Version 0.910.1

0.910.1 Changelog

  • New Content

    • New Character: Sadie

      • Meet Sadie on Pleasure Planet 2XXX
      • Conversation options with Sadie, with additional scenes and content with Libby in development.
  • Changes

    • Major dialogue choice system enhancement.

      • Dialogue options can now appear based on if certain items are in the user's inventory, if quests have been completed, or if players have certain Titan Powers.
      • This can allow for more varity with dialogue options and a better way for the game to track what the player has done when talking with NPCs.
      • Existing dialogue will be eventually converted to the new system, but will continue to function properly in the meantime.
      • Expect to see some options disappear if the player has not unlocked certain powers. For example, with the new system, if the player does not have Speedforce yet, instead of showing the option grayed out, it will not appear as a choice. However, if the player has the power, but not enough energy, it will appear but be unselectable.
  • Fixed

    • Game freezing while talking to Arethusa after "catching" her.
    • Error after conversation with Brittany in Castle Kronos.
    • One dialogue option with Brittany at Castle Kronos would prevent player from choosing a different conversation path the next time.
    • Multiple dialogue issues with Zoe at Castle Kronos preventing player from interacting with her properly during her scene.
    • Arethusa dialogue was not working at Castle Kronos. Currently still very limited dialogue.
    • Dialogue problems with The Thief at Castle Kronos Courtyard.
    • Outfit changes would be overwritten the first time player entered Castle Kronos Courtyard.
  • Known Issues

    • Game crashes when trying to change the speed of the scene videos.
    • Issues with clothing/face layers appearing correctly on the selected companion while in the Castle Kronos map. Working on a patch to correct this problem.
    • Erogenous Zones are not working in the Castle Kronos map. Working on a patch to correct this problem.
    • Pressing ESC to bring up the main menu only works once. After that, players can only bring up the main menu by using the menu button in the side panel.
    • Changing the display from windowed mode to fullscreen will cause any currently playing video to disappear. Changing a video scene angle will restore the video.
    • Completed quests do not award experience at this time. This will be added in a future update.


Version 0.910.1
Nov 05, 2022

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