Version 0.881.0 Update

0.881.0 Changelog

  • New Content
    • MAJOR: Inventory (Stash) Screen: Keep track of items you have in your “stash”.
    • Items
      • There is a 20% chance you can find a brittle knife looting The Thief.
      • There is a 10% chance you can find a brittle knife looting a Raving Rabbit.
  • Changes
    • MAJOR: Kronos Game Launcher updated to ver. 1.1.2: it will now allow you to rollback to an older version of the game. Just login, select a different version, and click UPDATE.
    • MINOR: Helda burning scene expanded with new mini-quest item requirement to continue.
    • MINOR: Runtime improvements to increase overall speed and performance on a wide range of computers.
    • MINOR: Movement speed on overworld map increased.
    • Migrated some save data to new save system in order to unify save data for easier integration with future updates and features.
  • Bugs fixed
    • MAJOR: Red fairy was not reviving after player would reset timeline.
    • MINOR: Helda would disappear forever if you killed the mob then left the map before freeing her.
  • Known Issues
    • Enemies don’t always attack when they should. Fleeing enemies will stop moving once they leave the screen.
    • Mousehover zoom on Helda burning scene has the map bleeding through the black areas of the image.
    • Players are able to strip NPCs again and again without ending their turn.
    • Salem Town Square may be buggy as the storyline related to it is in active development.
    • If Energy amount exceeds Max Energy, the meter will extend outside of the area.
    • Movement tiles stay visible during dialogue.
    • Players can purchase and find new clothing items even if they have already been purchased or found. This does not affect gameplay but may lead players to think they found something new when they already have it.
    • Battle map locations do not currently change based on the tile in which players encounter an enemy.
    • When Zoe or Brittany are following you they do not appear on any other strategic maps you travel to. This does not affect gameplay but will be fixed.
    • Battles with the rogue and Heracles still use the old text-based battle system. Will be updated.
  • Upcoming (in the works)
    • In-game tutorial
    • Companion system allowing Kronos to bring one girl with him on adventures through time.
    • Sound effects
    • Music
    • Voice acting for major characters
    • New Time Periods
      • San Francisco 1969
    • New Characters
      • Mercy
      • Sarina the 18+ Witch
    • New animations

0.880.0 Changelog

  • New Content
    • Added assets for Jan 2021 bonus outfits.
  • Changes
    • Now using new game updating system for increased speed.
    • Game version switched to format. Versions now include a second decimal place to indicate a third version number to comply with standard versioning: major, minor, and patch. For example, instead of version 0.880 it’s 0.880.0
  • Bugs fixed
    • Major: killing an enemy would make it so other enemies would not always load properly back on the map.
    • Fixed some incorrect save location references
    • Minor tweaks
  • Known Issues
    • Players are able to strip NPCs again and again without ending their turn.
    • Salem Town Square may be buggy as the storyline related to it is in active development.
    • If Energy amount exceeds Max Energy, the meter will extend outside of the area.
    • Movement tiles stay visible during dialogue.
    • Players can purchase and find new clothing items even if they have already been purchased or found. This does not affect gameplay but may lead players to think they found something new when they already have it.
    • Battle map locations do not currently change based on the tile in which players encounter an enemy.
    • When Zoe or Brittany are following you they do not appear on any other strategic maps you travel to. This does not affect gameplay but will be fixed.
    • Battles with the rogue and Heracles still use the old text-based battle system. Will be updated.

0.879 Changelog

  • New Content
    • Character: Hydna (SoulSteal unlock)
      • There is a 50% chance this character can now be captured when completely stripped.
    • Clothes and Accessories!
      • Hydna: black lace skirt (default outfit)
      • Hydna: black sandals (default outfit)
      • Hydna: black lace cape (default outfit)
      • Hydna: brown panties(default outfit)
      • Hydna: brown tiny titty top (default outfit)
  • Changes
    • Special Note: When updating from any version prior to 0.879, the updater will update to THIS version first, and then players can update the game to versions beyond 0.879. This is because this new version of the Game Updater connects to a new updating system where all the new updates are hosted.
    • Game Launcher/Updater decreased in size by about half.
    • Update download speeds increased.
    • Updates no longer require accepting elevated Windows permissions (please let me know if you run into an update issue).
    • Slight change to versioning. Starting with the next update, versions will include a second decimal place to indicate a third version number to comply with standard versioning: major, minor, and patch. For example, instead of version 0.880 you’ll see 0.880.0
    • Future updates will allow players to rollback to a previous version in case they encounter a problem with a new update.
    • Minor: SoulSteal is now an option every time a capturable character is stripped completely, but there is a 50% chance it will fail. This is different from before when there was a 50% chance the option would appear. It should be less confusing now.
    • Added some assets for monthly outfits bonus.
  • Bugs fixed
    • MAJOR: Game would often freeze when an enemy was killed. This was due to a bug in the new looting system.
    • MINOR: Some enemies would not disappear from the map, even after you killed them.
    • MINOR: Some smaller dialogue mistakes were corrected.
  • Known Issues
    • Players are able to strip NPCs again and again without ending their turn.
    • Salem Town Square may be buggy as the storyline related to it is in active development.
    • If Energy amount exceeds Max Energy, the meter will extend outside of the area.
    • Movement tiles stay visible during dialogue.
    • Players can purchase and find new clothing items even if they have already been purchased or found. This does not affect gameplay but may lead players to think they found something new when they already have it.
    • Battle map locations do not currently change based on the tile in which players encounter an enemy.
    • When Zoe or Brittany are following you they do not appear on any other strategic maps you travel to. This does not affect gameplay but will be fixed.
    • Battles with the rogue and Heracles still use the old text-based battle system. Will be updated.

0.878 Changelog

  • Bugs fixed
    • MAJOR: Greatly decreased false positives in both ktt.exe and KronosTimeTitan.exe with a large variety of anti-virus scanners.
    • MAJOR: Game would lock up if new clothing was found but the game couldn’t connect to the online clothing database. Will now ignore the inability to connect and the game will continue.
  • Known Issues
    • Salem Town Square may be buggy as the storyline related to it is in active development.
    • If Energy amount exceeds Max Energy, the meter will extend outside of the area.
    • Movement tiles stay visible during dialogue.
    • Players can purchase and find new clothing items even if they have already been purchased or found. This does not affect gameplay but may lead players to think they found something new when they already have it.
    • When Zoe or Brittany are following you they do not appear on any other strategic maps you travel to. This does not affect gameplay but will be fixed.
    • Battles with the rogue and Heracles still use the old text-based battle system. Will be updated.

0.877 Changelog

  • Changes
    • Included some assets which will be used for upcoming Salem storyline additions.
  • Bugs fixed
    • MAJOR: If player entered the clothing menu and then exited, then tried to go into the Main Menu, the screen would go completely blank and the game would freeze.
    • MINOR: Some townspeople in Greece had missing images.
    • MINOR: Dialogue fixes.
  • Known Issues
    • Salem Town Square may be buggy as the storyline related to it is in active development.
    • If Energy amount exceeds Max Energy, the meter will extend outside of the area.
    • Movement tiles stay visible during dialogue.
    • Players can purchase and find new clothing items even if they have already been purchased or found. This does not affect gameplay but may lead players to think they found something new when they already have it.
    • Battle map locations do not currently change based on the tile in which players encounter an enemy.
    • When Zoe or Brittany are following you they do not appear on any other strategic maps you travel to. This does not affect gameplay but will be fixed.
    • Battles with the rogue and Heracles still use the old text-based battle system. Will be updated.

0.876 Changelog

  • New Content
    • Character: The Thief (SoulSteal unlock)
      • There is a 50% chance this character can now be captured when completely stripped.
    • Character: Hestia (paperdoll clothing menu)
      • You can now change Hestia’s outfit in the clothing menu.
    • Quest: Hesta’s Bag
      • Hestia will send Kronos on a quest to find her bag of dicks.
    • Clothes and Accessories!
      • The Thief’s outfit: (default)
      • thief black panties
      • thief gloves
      • thief stockings
      • thief swords
      • thief skirt
      • thief boots
      • thief top
      • thief corset
      • thief shoulders
      • Hestia’s outfit: (default)
      • blue choker
      • blue fishnets
      • blue panties
      • earrings
      • blue dress
      • Hestia: dominatrix bra (quest)
      • Hestia: dominatrix gear (quest)
      • Hestia: strap-on (quest)
    • Location: End of Time Swamp
      • Quest related.
  • Changes
    • Increased “Pray to Plutus” Energy and Currency from 100/500 to 1000/5000.
    • Improvements to modifications framework.
  • Bugs fixed
    • Scene images wouldn’t load on some machines.
    • If more than one clothing item was added at a time, it would only add the first article of clothing.
    • Some dialogue issues fixed.
  • Known Issues
    • Salem Town Square may be buggy as the storyline related to it is in active development.
    • If Energy amount exceeds Max Energy, the meter will extend outside of the area.
    • Movement tiles stay visible during dialogue.
    • Players can purchase and find new clothing items even if they have already been purchased or found. This does not affect gameplay but may lead players to think they found something new when they already have it.
    • Battle map locations do not currently change based on the tile in which players encounter an enemy.
    • When Zoe or Brittany are following you they do not appear on any other strategic maps you travel to. This does not affect gameplay but will be fixed.
    • Battles with the rogue and Heracles still use the old text-based battle system. Will be updated.


Kronos Time Titan 771 MB
Jan 09, 2021

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